Warning of action against Mozammel for giving ‘fake’ information

Secretary General of Passenger Welfare Association Md. Bangladesh Road Transport Owners Association has warned to take legal action against Mozammel Haque Chowdhury.

Bangladesh Road Transport Owners Association President Mosiur Rahman Ranga, Executive President Alauddin and Secretary General Khandkar Enayet Ullah issued this threat in a press release on Monday (June 3).

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  • Cox’s Bazar special train is being closed on the prescription of bus owners

According to the press release, in a statement sent to the media on May 30, the secretary general of the Bangladesh Passenger Welfare Association said that the Cox’s Bazar special train is being stopped at the prescription (pressure) of the bus owners. When passengers were traveling regularly on this train on the Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar route, when there was a shortage of passengers in all modes of transport, the owners were forced to reduce the bus fare on this route by up to Tk 100 per passenger. However, the statement mentioned that the authorities of the railway administration have been managed due to the lack of passengers in the bus.

Which was published on May 31 in national daily newspapers including online newspapers of the country. Bangladesh Road Transport Owners Association President Mosiur Rahman Ranga, Executive President Alauddin and Secretary General Khandkar Enayet Ullah strongly protested the news.

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  • Decision to launch special train on Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar route on Eidul Azha

The press release of the Transport Owners Association also said that the Secretary General of the Passenger Welfare Association has made the country’s road transport sector a competitor of the Bangladesh Railway. Mozammel Haque Chowdhury has provided such fabricated information. In this, the reputation of the transport owners including the leaders of our association is getting damaged especially among the people of the country. Therefore, the evidence on the basis of which the Passenger Welfare Society has published such information has been asked to be published in the national dailies within the next three days. Otherwise, the secretary general of the association. Legal action will be taken against Mozammel Haque Chowdhury.