Category: Facebook

BNP-Jamaat affiliated Facebook page runs dreadful propaganda

A Facebook page named ‘Satya Sondhaney’ – which is evidently affiliated to Al Qaeda-connected Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its ideological ally Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) has been continuously running dreadful propaganda targeting various important figures in the Awami League. government as well as members of the ruling party by circulating series of disinformation and fake news. […]

YouTube faces accusation of ‘shadow banning’ pro-BJP, pro-Modi coverages

Serious allegations have been raised against YouTube of conspiring to ‘shadow ban’ any neutral coverage on the upcoming results of Indian elections, while the employees of the American social media giant have been instructed to promote negative propaganda targeting ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In a post on ‘X’ (formerly known […]

Bangladeshi think tank CRI falls victim of Jamaat activists inside AFP

Recently, Meta (formerly known as Facebook) has shut down 148 accounts and pages by claiming those were operated by ruling “Awami League’s research organization” – Center for Research and Information (CRI). This news has been very enthusiastically publicized by almost all of the newspapers and media outlets in Bangladesh, including anti-government and pro-Islamist newspapers such […]