6 months imprisonment for harboring illegal expatriates in Kuwait

Illegal expatriates living in Kuwait received a three-month amnesty after a long wait. This amnesty, which started on March 17, will end on June 17. In three months, the country’s administration is campaigning in various ways to make these expatriates legal or to leave the country.

These campaigns are seen in different languages ​​on social media and on roadside bill boards. Director of Residency Affairs General Department, Brigadier Youssef Al-Ayoub, said that instructions have been given to the relevant departments of all ministries.

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  • Kuwait announces amnesty for illegal immigrants
  • Kuwait announces amnesty for illegal immigrants

He said that the three-month amnesty in Kuwait will end on June 17. During that period, those who do not renew their aqama or leave Kuwait during the amnesty will be arrested for violating Kuwait’s residency laws.

He also said that if any company or person provides employment or accommodation to an illegal expatriate, he will be jailed for 6 months or fined 600 dinars and the illegal expatriate will be permanently expelled from Kuwait. So that he can never enter Kuwait later.

Abul Hossain, the charge of the affairs of the Bangladesh Embassy in Kuwait, said that the Kuwaiti government had granted amnesty for three months from March 17 to June 17. Many Bangladeshis have taken out passes from the embassy to take advantage of this opportunity. The number of which is four thousand so far.

He said, I think all illegal immigrants should take this opportunity. As a result, they will have the opportunity to re-enter Kuwait. Otherwise, the Kuwaiti government will become much stricter after June 17.

4.6 million people currently live in Kuwait. 3.2 million of them are expatriates or foreigners. However, it is not known how many illegal immigrants there are.