ACC case against former Bakhrabad gas official along with his wife

The former Deputy Manager (DGM) of the revenue department of Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited in Comilla and his wife have been accused of acquiring illegal wealth of two and a half crore rupees. The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) filed a case on this charge.

On Monday (June 3), ACC Comilla office Deputy Director Fazlul Haque confirmed this information to Jago News.

The accused are Abdul Hai Bhuiyan (62), former deputy manager of revenue department of Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited, Comilla and his wife Mrs. Anjuman Ara Begum (56).

According to the statement of the case, the ACC asked Anjuman Ara Begum, wife of retired Deputy Manager of Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited, Anjuman Ara Begum. He took the ACC form on February 28. After filling the asset statement, he submitted the form on March 6 with his signature.

In the submitted asset statement, he mentioned that he has a total immovable asset of Rs. That is, he has acquired a total wealth of 2 crore 56 lakh 36 thousand 140 rupees.

But according to Anjuman Ara Begum’s income tax records, her family and other expenses are Tk 35 lakh 5 thousand 793. Including family and other expenses, his total assets amount to 2 crore 91 lakh 41 thousand 933 taka. Besides, he did not mention the cost of house construction in the asset statement form. During the investigation, ACC’s independent engineering team measured one of his houses and fixed the construction cost at Tk 1 crore 72 lakh 75 thousand 88.

Besides, in the movable part of his submitted asset statement, a total of 80 lakh 61 thousand 52 rupees is mentioned, but during verification/search, information of total assets of 83 lakh 61 thousand 52 rupees is found. In other words, it is assumed that he has hidden the information of immovable assets worth 1 crore 72 lakh 75 thousand 88 taka and immovable assets of 3 lakh taka in the asset statement.

Besides, while verifying the information of Abdul Hai Bhuiyan, ACC also found various inconsistent and inconsistent returns. He could not show any evidence against which.

ACC Deputy Director Fazlul Haque told Jago News that we have filed the case on Monday. Will investigate further. Necessary steps will be taken in this regard later.

Zahid Patwari/NIB/ASM