Blockade of Dhaka-Chittagong highway to demand gas

Residents of Ward No. 3 of Narayanganj City Corporation blocked the Dhaka-Chittagong highway demanding gas.

On Saturday (June 8) around 10 am, the human chain was made on the Chittagong-bound lane of the Beehive area of ​​Siddhirganj on the highway.

They blocked the highway for about an hour. This caused a traffic jam in the Chittagong-bound lane. As a result, passengers on that road suffered.

Syed Saiful Islam of Sanarpar area said, I have not been getting gas for three years. Can’t cook properly, gas comes at 3 in the night and goes out at 4. Many complaints have been given in various offices of Titus Gas Office. But to no avail. We are appealing to the government to make the gas system as soon as possible. This is our demand.

Shahnaz Parveen, a housewife of Madaninagar area, said, “We don’t have gas here, even though there is gas everywhere around. After Titus informed the officials, they only said, “I am watching, but I am not seeing anything.”

AKM Sharfuddin, in-charge of Kanchpur Highway Police Station’s Shimrail Camp, said people had blocked the road due to lack of gas in the area. Later they were explained and removed. At present, traffic is normal.

Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Siddhirganj Police Station Mohammad Abu Bakar Siddique said, I have explained and removed the crowd within a few moments of getting on the road. Now the situation is normal.

Rashedul Islam Raju/AH/ASM