Excreta of Haat-Korbani animals to be disposed of separately: Tapas

The mayor of Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Sheikh Fazle Noor Tapas said that the waste of sacrificial animals and the waste of temporary animal markets will be removed under separate management.

He gave this information in a coordination meeting held on Tuesday (June 11) afternoon at Mayor Hanif Auditorium of Nagar Bhaban with the councilors of the Corporation, representatives of the Interim Waste Transfer Center (PCSP) and related persons for the purpose of proper management of the waste of sacrificed animals and waste of temporary animal markets at the earliest.

Sheikh Fazle Noor Tapas said, in the previous years, the animal waste of your ward-based sacrifice and the waste of the market were removed at the same time. It was seen that the same vehicles and manpower were working at both places. But in the light of the experience of the past years, this time we have taken a new action plan. Now you don’t have to worry about market waste anymore. You will only complete the ward wise waste removal activities properly. We have ensured separate manpower and vehicles for each hut.

Urging the people to finish the slaughtering of Qorbani by the second day of Eid, he said, “In the past years, we have urged the people of Dhaka to finish the slaughtering of Qorbani by the second day of Eid.” In that perspective, the people have become more motivated and aware than before. The number of animal sacrifices that used to be offered on the third day of Eid has now reduced a lot. Therefore, this call to encourage the people to complete the Qurbani program within two days should be continued.

Because, during Eid al-Adha, our cleaners start working to remove waste from the night before Eid and this work continues continuously. Everyone involved in the clean-up operation needs to celebrate Eid and rest.

Under the supervision of Chief Waste Management Officer Mohammad Nasim Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer. Mizanur Rahman spoke. At this time, the councilors and PCSP representatives presented their views.

Corporation Secretary Akramuzzaman, regional executive officers and heads of various departments were also present in the coordination meeting.