Farmers and sellers are satisfied with the price of cows

Ahead of the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha or Eid-ul-Azha, 11 animal markets have gathered in Chuadanga. The crowds of buyers and sellers are increasing in the huts. Traders and farmers say that the price of sacrificial animals is good. Such pictures were seen by visiting Chuadanga’s Sialmari Pashuhat, Dugdugi Pashuhat, Munshiganj Pashuhat and Alamdanga Pashuhat.

Talking to some people who came to sell cattle at Dugdugi Pashuhat on Monday (June 10), it is known that the prices of cows and goats are relatively higher compared to the last few days.

Cow trader of Mrigmari village. Habel Uddin said, compared to other days, traders from different parts of the country, including Dhaka, have come to today’s haat. Because of this, the price of cattle is also high. I brought five cows to market today. All the cows have been sold. The profit has also increased. If the price of cow is like this, the cow breeders will benefit.

Cattle market in Chuadanga, farmers and sellers satisfied with the price of cattle

A buyer named Hafiz Khan, who came to buy cows at the market, said, “I am looking for a medium-sized cow to sacrifice.” This year, the price of 20,000 to 30,000 taka per cow seems to be higher. Since the sacrifice has to be done, the cow has to be bought at a higher price.

Several traders from Chittagong and Dhaka said that they come to this market every year. However, compared to other times, the import of cattle is more and the price is affordable.

According to the sources of the district livestock department, there are 10 thousand 917 small and big farms in Chuadanga district. Among them, 2 thousand 676 in Chuadanga Sadar Upazila, 3 thousand 599 in Alamdanga Upazila, 1 thousand 928 in Damurhuda Upazila and 2 thousand 714 in Jibannagar Upazila. 2 lakh 11 thousand 879 animals are ready for sacrifice in these farms. Among them, 54 thousand 891 cows, 160 buffaloes, 1 lakh 52 thousand 896 goats, 3 thousand 92 sheep and 7 others.

This time the demand for sacrificial animals in the district is 1 lakh 58 thousand 856. Accordingly, there will be a surplus of 53 thousand 23 sacrificial animals after meeting the local demand. These animals will be supplied to Dhaka and other districts.

A farmer of Dashmi village of Damurhuda Upazila Sadar said, I built a farm 5-6 years ago. There are total 15 cows in the farm. Out of this 13 cows have been prepared for sacrifice. If the price of cow remains at the current market price then the farmers will benefit.

Another farmer said, five years ago I built a farm as a hobby. I currently have 10 cows in my farm. Out of which I sold three cows. The rest of the cows are expected to be sold by Eid. If there is such a price then I can profit.

Cattle market in Chuadanga, farmers and sellers satisfied with the price of cattle

Abul Bashar, farmer of Lakshmipur village of Jibannagar upazila, said that there were 40 sacrificial cows in my farm. I have already sold 35 cows for 1 crore 10 lakh taka. There are still 10 cows on the farm. These cows are bigger in size. I can’t say whether it will be profit or loss until it is sold.

He also said that the price of food is much higher this year than last year. Sale of suitable sacrificial cows in the area is less than last year. Sales are also less than last year.

Chuadanga District Livestock Officer (Acting) Mostafizur Rahman said that 54 thousand 979 cows and buffaloes have been sacrificed in the district this time. Apart from this, 1 lakh 56 thousand 821 goats and sheep have been prepared for sacrifice. Farmers are being provided with regular advice from the Animal Husbandry Department for safe and healthy animal production in the farms.

He said that the sale of sacrificial animals has started in various animal markets and farms of the district. The animals reared by the farmers will meet the needs of Dhaka, Chittagong and other parts of the country. Farmers will now get fair price for sacrificial animals.

Chuadanga Superintendent of Police RM Faizur Rahman said that the mobile team of police is working for the security of animal stalls. There is police vigilance at the cow market to prevent fake notes and members of Ajna Party. In the meantime, the police has been able to arrest 6 members of Ajyan Party along with chemicals by carrying out raids in various areas of the district for the last 4 days. Apart from this, the police also have extra surveillance in bringing and taking animals of traders.