Finally, the United Nations added Israel to the list of ‘criminal’ countries

The United Nations has added the Israeli army to its list of ‘criminal’ countries for attacking innocent children in the besieged Palestinian Gaza Strip and killing thousands of children. This was confirmed by Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Ardan.

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations said in a post on social media that he received the notification on Friday (June 7). The decision is very shameful and he is very angry with such action of the United Nations.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said, due to this action, Israel’s relationship with the United Nations will have a negative impact and the United Nations will have to suffer the consequences.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, our army is the most moral force in the world. Nevertheless, Israel was included on the list largely by the decision of a single individual. He is the Secretary General of the United Nations. With this decision, the United Nations has added itself to the black list of history, not Israel.

Stephen Dujarric, spokesman for the UN Secretary General, said in a press conference that a UN official met with the Israeli ambassador to inform him of Israel’s inclusion in the UN’s annual report on ‘Children in Armed Conflict’. This has been done so that the matter is not leaked. The report will be presented to the UN Security Council on June 14.

The British news agency Reuters, citing a UN official, said that the Palestinian independence organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad will also be added to this list.

According to Israel’s National Council for Children, about 1,200 people, including 38 children, were killed in an attack by Hamas on October 7 last year in Israel. Moreover, Hamas took 252 people hostage, including 42 children.

Meanwhile, the Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza says that 36,731 people have been killed so far in the Israeli aggression. A UN report last month said women and children accounted for 52 percent of the total deaths in Gaza, from 69 percent.

Israel claims that these statistics prove that the United Nations relied on false information from Hamas. The UN said it was now relying on statistics from the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza, rather than the Hamas-run Government Media Office (GMO). Meanwhile, GMO says that more than 15,000 children have been killed in Israeli attacks.

Meanwhile, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) reported that in the last 24 hours there has been widespread chaos at Al-Aqsa Hospital in Gaza. At least 70 dead and 300 wounded were brought in during that time, most of them women and children.

Sources: BBC, Reuters