Four poems by Walid Zaman

letter of sadness

You stopped to say something
When asked to know, he gave an excuse
I look forward to hearing from you
I felt a deep sadness

Well, what do you say?
Although the wait is sad
There is joy in it
The joy of getting something!

A letter of sadness written to you for that
If you don’t get any answer, your heart will cry
Do you think so too?
Or dive into the world of thoughts alone?

Well, dive with me one day
Don’t be sad, I also took a loan
There is joy in suffering
The joy of forgetting your own sorrow!


sad day

Now you have prepared your new beginning
I took with me new people and a new country
How is he alone in the city?
Want to see what the rain goes there?

Now the mornings are bright with sunshine
On the day of upset, do your shiuli-belly join
How to spend such a morning alone
Nupur still goes with open feet to keep what?

Now tell me how the night is spent in the cold air
What does someone say, walk with me in the middle of the night
How do you spend each night alone?
Are the eyes covered with wet water?

Who are you complaining about with coffee alone?
I gave you a hundred and a half dollars if you don’t get it
How to spend silent time alone
What prevents the days of depression?



In a light rain
He said wetly
You like rain very much
I like to see your rain!

Barefoot that day
He walked on the grass
You love to get wet in the rain
I like your rain wet bath!

Open hair that day
Laughed like a madman
You like to laugh by making such noises
I like to see your smile!

On wet lips that day
kissed me
You like kissing wet lips
I love to kiss you warmly!



This is me Rose, looking for you
Still you are right, lose all sides
You are missing!

This is a stupid game, great negligence
To get a touch of happiness, indulge in disobedience
You are missing!

This is the hatred in the chest, which was not known
If given wisely, under the guise of love
You are missing!

This is that I alone, did not stop you
Tears wobble, pushy chest water
You are missing!