International calls were made into domestic calls, arrested with VoIP equipment 2

RAB recovered a large amount of illegal VoIP equipment including 30 thousand SIM cards of different companies during raids in Nayapalton and Khilgaon areas of the capital. In addition, due to doing telecommunication business in the outside world through illegal VoIP equipment. Saiful Islam and Abdur Rahim Raj (38) were arrested.

Based on intelligence, RAB raided a house in Khilgaon on Sunday (June 9) night and Paltan from morning to noon on Monday (June 10).

Paltan’s expedition includes three SIMboxes of 512 ports, five SIMboxes of 256 ports, five SIMboxes of 128 ports, three SIMboxes of 16 ports, five wireless routers, six switches, 25 GSM antennas, three mini PCs, three media converters, one SSD hard disk, one laptop, one CPO, two power cables, two USB cables, two chargers, two mobile phones, around 30,000 SIM cards of different companies, a Mikrotik router, five pen drives and four rounds were recovered.

International calls were made into domestic calls, arrested with VoIP equipment 2

At the press conference at the end of the operation, the captain of RAB-3, Lieutenant Colonel Md. Feroze Kabir.

He said that recently various gangs have been evading billions of rupees of Bangladesh government revenue through illegal VoIP business. Based on intelligence reports, a team of RAB-3 found out that some illegal VoIP traders were doing telecommunication business from Bangladesh with the outside world by installing illegal VoIP equipment without the approval of BTRC in a house in Nayapaltan area of ​​Dhaka city. In view of this, Saiful Islam was arrested with illegal VoIP equipment by raiding a house on Monday morning.

During the questioning of the accused, RAB said that Rahim, who was arrested from Khilgaon, has been illegally doing telecommunication business with the outside world by installing VoIP equipment in different parts of the country for three years. By this, the government is depriving the government of billions of rupees in revenue.

International calls were made into domestic calls, arrested with VoIP equipment 2

Regarding the arrest of Saiful, the captain of RAB-3 said that Saiful had a mobile shop in Patal Market of Gulistan in the capital. He joins the business through his shopkeeper Wally. They run the business for four-five months in the shop itself. Later, with the money they earned, they bought more machinery and ran the business in this house. Besides, Wali went to Dubai and got involved with an international gang. He controlled the business sitting there. And shop owner Saiful runs this business in the country as an employee or partner.

International calls were made into domestic calls, arrested with VoIP equipment 2

He said that Saiful was running the business with the help of Zaman, a German expatriate. By collecting a special software through Zaman. Generally, the government gets the right revenue through the mobile operator if the international gateway calls reach the subscriber legally. But by using this software international calls become normal calls. As a result, it would become a local call within the country. As a result, even if international calls come, the government loses a huge amount of revenue.

How Saiful collects 30,000 SIMs

The captain of RAB-3 also said that these sims are changed from time to time. Messages were sent to keep the SIM active. SIM was closed due to BTRC activities. As a result, they kept the SIMs active with various tricks. Besides, the SIMs used to be collected for more money. Multiple SIM registrations were done with fingerprints of those who went to buy SIMs unknowingly. Saiful used to buy these sims at high prices.