Parliament demanded to bring back the money

Besides criticizing various irregularities and chaos in the financial sector, the opposition Jatiya Party and independent members of Parliament have demanded to bring back the smuggled money and identify the smugglers.

Finance Minister Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali raised the proposal to pass the ‘Specification (Supplementary) Bill-2024’ in the Parliament session on Monday (June 10). The bill was later passed by voice vote. Participating in the process of passing the bill, the opposition Jatiya Party and independent members of parliament criticized various irregularities and chaos in the financial sector and demanded to bring back the smuggled money and identify the smugglers.

Participating in the discussion, Jatiya Party’s Mujibul Haque Chunnu said that two thousand 200 crores of interest has been waived while the farmer has been arrested for 50 thousand rupees. If you can not establish control in the financial sector, why spend money here? It’s better to keep quiet.

He said that he proposed layoffs as a protest against irregularities in the finance department. According to him, the major function of the Financial Institutions Department is to supervise the banking sector. But people’s money is being looted, there are irregularities in the bank, are the financial institutions department or Bangladesh Bank supervising? PK Halder has left with thousands of crores, at various times big companies take loans, later their interest is waived off, can the Finance Minister answer all these?

This member of the Jatiya Party said that the major reason for the dollar crisis is smuggling. The previous finance minister did not want to hear anything about it. Demanding an end to irregularities in the financial sector, he said that businessmen, politicians, bureaucrats who have smuggled money abroad, built houses and hotels in Canada, Europe and America, should be investigated and identified. He demanded to identify them even if he could not bring back the money.

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Opposition Chief Whip Mujibul Haque Chunnu said that those who come to learn in this project cannot absorb properly. There is a waste here.

Highlighting the media report about the irregularities of Sheikh Hasina ICT Park in Jessore, she said, ICT Park is built in the name of the Prime Minister, how are there hotels, wedding ceremonies, social events? He also raised the question why the management was given to a third party instead of the government.

Independent Member of Parliament Pankaj Nath said that money is being smuggled out of the country, we have to be strict about it. Action should be taken against willful defaulters. There is a need to avoid restraint and be more liberal in opening LCs. He also commented that it is necessary to restore order in the banking sector.

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He said that it is not right that work is not being done in the ICT sector. However, if you open Doyle’s box and find a Chinese computer – is it waste or corruption? Parliament wants to know what action has been taken against it. After opening Doyle’s box, Chinese rotten goods were found. Then closed.

This MP said that the computer given by Sheikh Russell in the name of Digital Lab is working at all or is it rusted. Evidence of corruption in the name of modernization of postal department. He wants to know what is the condition of the postal department’s land.

Another Independent Member of Parliament Hamidul Haque Khandkar said that there is no clear explanation why the Financial Institutions Department has demanded additional approval. In the past it was possible to recover the money smuggled by Arafat Rahman Koko. Those who looted and laundered money in the country should bring back that money.