Prince Mamun arrested in Laila’s rape case

Comilla police arrested TikToker Abdullah Al Mamun aka Prince Mamun (25) in the rape case of Laila Akhter Farhad (48). On Monday (June 10), Cantonment Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Shahinur Rahman confirmed the matter to Jago News.

He said, Comilla police arrested him on Monday around 9:30 pm. There is a rape case against Prince Mamun in the Cantonment police station. Comilla police will hand over Prince Mamun. Our team is going to Comilla.

Earlier, Laila filed a case against Prince Mamun at the Cantonment Police Station of the capital on Sunday (June 9) for tempting Laila to marry her.

Laila mentioned in the complaint, I met the defendant Abdullah Al Mamun aka Prince Mamun through social media Facebook three years ago. At one stage of acquaintance, Mamun established a love relationship with me by tempting me to marry me. He told me that he does not have his own home in Dhaka. As the love affair developed and Mamun told me that he would marry me, I believed him and allowed him to stay in my house.

On January 7, 2022, Mamun came to live in my house along with his mother. From that day he started staying in the same room with me in my house. Having sexual intercourse several times with the temptation of marriage. When Mamun was staying at my house, his parents used to come and stay there sometimes. When I told Mamun about marriage several times, he kept wasting time on various excuses.

Mamun raped again on March 14 this year. Later, when I told him about the marriage, he became furious. Abusing me in various obscene language.