Prohibition of processions-meetings-carrying weapons in the Parliament area on the occasion of the session

The third (budget) session of the twelfth national parliament is going to be held from Wednesday (June 5). The Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has imposed some restrictions to maintain peace and order in the Jatiya Sangsad Bhawan and its surrounding areas during the Parliament session.

DMP Media and Public Relations Department said on Wednesday (June 5), the ban was issued by an order signed by DMP Commissioner Habibur Rahman.

The order prohibits the carrying of all types of weapons, explosives, other harmful and polluting materials in the concerned areas from 12:00 pm on June 4. Besides, any kind of gatherings, processions, processions and demonstrations etc. have been prohibited.

Areas where this ban will remain in place

From Mohakhali Crossing on Mymensingh Road to Banglamotor Crossing via Old Airport, From West End of Bangla Motor Link Road to Sark Fountain on Hotel Sonargaon Road, From East End of Panthpath to Green Road Junction to Farmgate, From Shyamoli Junction on Mirpur Road to Dhanmondi-16 (Old-27) Junction of Road No. Rokeya Sarani Junction to Old 9th Division (Aircraft) Crossing to Vijay Sarani Tourist Crossing, East end of Indira Road to West end of Manik Mia Avenue, Jatiya Sangsad Bhavan Reserve and all roads and lanes within these boundaries.

The order also informed that this order will remain in force until the end of the third session of the 12th National Parliament.