Proposal to further reduce black money tax in parliament

Sohrab Uddin, an independent member of parliament elected from Kishoreganj, said that the more the tax is reduced, the more money will be displayed.

He said that in the proposed budget of the fiscal year 2024-25, the government has provided an opportunity to whiten black money by taxing 15 percent. Allowed to show legitimate undisclosed income, not white money. In this case, there is no problem even if the tax is five percent. The more the tax is reduced, the more money will appear.

He said these things while participating in the discussion on the supplementary budget for the fiscal year 2023-24 in the National Parliament on Sunday (June 9).

Sohrab Uddin said, 15 percent tax is too much. At this rate many will not show undisclosed income. To pay 15 percent tax, undisclosed income must be reduced. Then the display of undisclosed income will be higher. State taxes will come. Investment opportunities in the country will increase. In this case, more opportunities can be given. It was before. No question can be asked in the purchase of land, machineries for the industry.

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    Opportunity to launder black money helps corruption: TIB

Nasser Shahriar Zahedi, another independent member of parliament from Jhenaid-2 seat in the National Parliament, said that the government’s tendency to take loans from banking sources should be reduced. If the government borrows more, the flow of credit to the private sector decreases.

He said that the trend of government borrowing from banking sources should be reduced. If the government borrows more, the flow of credit to the private sector decreases. This hinders the progress of industry and commerce. Employment is not created.

Nasser Shahriar Zahedi said that in 2017-18, the government took a little more than 11 thousand crore rupees from banking sources. In the current financial year, this loan is one lakh 55 thousand 935 crores. Meanwhile, the government needs to pay attention. The government should take less credit from the banking sector and let the credit to the private sector increase.