Rabi Chhatra League secretary Ghalib declared unwanted on campus

Rajshahi University (Rabi) branch Chhatra League General Secretary Asadullah-Hill-Ghalib declared unwanted on the campus by the active student organizations of the university.

On Wednesday (June 5), the leaders and activists of the university branch Samajtantrik Chhatra Front, Biplabli Chhatra Maitri, Nagrik Chhatra Oikya, Chhatra Union, Biplabhi Chhatra-Yub Andolan, Greater Chittagong Hill Tracts Student Parishad and Chhatra Ganamanch presented a three-point demand, including declaring him undesirable in a joint statement. .

In a statement, they said, the student Ghalib applied for admission to the Evening Masters course in the July 2021 session on a fake certificate and it was canceled on September 4, 2023. In other words, the mass communication and journalism department took about two years and two months to identify the fraud. A reputed institution like Rajshahi University cannot afford to take this long process of data verification for granted.

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  • Rabi Chhatra League secretary Ghalib is not a university student
  • Former leader’s claim of ‘wife’, Chhatra League leader said ‘cheating’

They said that the journalism department clarified the cancellation of Ghalib’s admission in public after another nine months. In between, that student was elected the general secretary of the Chhatra League and continued to lead all the misdeeds of the oppressive organization. In fact, instead of improving the quality of education and research, the university administration has played the role of sponsoring the misdeeds of the oppressive organization called Chhatra League. The officials have created a crisis in the university by not holding elections to the student parliament, occupying the halls with non-students and organizing the Chhatra League with non-student committees. In contrast, the autonomous institution has become an instrument for sustaining Awami fascism.

In the statement, the leaders of the organization also said that Ghalib, a dropout from the International Relations Department, has not been a student for six years, but he is occupying Room No. 215 (with four seats) of Mother Bakhsh Hall and currently Room No. 228 (with four seats) of Bangabandhu Hall alone. While staying in the hall illegally, Ghalib has led multiple crimes including encroachment of the hall, beating of students, extortion on campus and it has been exposed in various media. We the active student organizations of Rajshahi University declare accused Chhatra League general secretary Asadullah-Hill-Galib unwelcome on campus.

In the statement, they highlighted three points of demand. These include- the removal of non-student BCL activists and general secretary from the hall, ensuring that the hall is free of outsiders and non-students, and taking legal action against the BCL general secretary who is accused of illegal placement and admission fraud.

Monir Hossain Mahin/EA