Salim surprised by writing Quran in three months

Salim Uddin Reza (19) of Dakshin Asurkhai area of ​​Kamarpukur Union of Syedpur Upazila wrote the Holy Quran by hand on the advice of Huzur in the class due to bad handwriting. In three consecutive months and six days, he wrote 30 paras of the Qur’an by hand.

Salim is a student of Al Jamiatul Islamia Darul Uloom Madrasah. He is the son of Mohammad Iman Ali of that area.

Locals said that Salim wrote the Holy Quran sitting inside the mosque for three months. It took 400 sheets of A-4 size paper for Selim to write the 30-para Quran by hand. Like 55 pens. Salim spent five hours daily in this work.

Salim surprised by writing Quran in three months

Salim told Jago News that his handwriting was not very good as a child. That is why the masters of the madrasa scolded him many times. I had to eat a lot of beatings at the hands of my mother. On the advice of the teacher of the class, I decided to write the Holy Quran by hand while writing a few verses and then Surahs. Let’s start. I finished writing the entire Holy Quran by hand in the effort of Tismas.

He also said that nowadays Facebook addiction has spread like a disease among boys and girls of our age. Most of the time we spend time on Facebook for no reason at all. It is wasting our time, creativity, efficiency. But I have devoted time and attention to writing the Holy Qur’an to gain the pleasure of Allah and Rasool (PBUH) and to be free from Facebook YouTube addiction. Salim considers writing the Holy Quran (30 paragraphs) by hand as the best achievement of his life. He thanked Allah for doing this great work.

Salim surprised by writing Quran in three months

Selim’s father businessman Mohammad Iman Ali said, I am very happy with the work done by my son Selim Reza. I am asking the countrymen to pray for my son. I’m a poor man somehow teaching the boy. If I had money, I would have spent it in a better place. Three sons including my Salim, the other two sons work in other people’s houses and our family runs. His education was covered by the salary of the muezzin in the mosque.

President of Asurkhai Jame Mosque. Iqbal Hossain said, Salim is a child of a helpless poor family. Besides studying, he works in our mosque for a small salary. His father is a daily labourer. His two brothers work in other houses. With his own efforts he wrote 30 paras of the Holy Quran by hand. People come from different areas to see the Holy Quran written by his hand. We want him to do more good in the society by giving him government facilities.

Salim surprised by writing Quran in three months

Selim’s classmate. Belal Hossain said, at first I did not believe that the entire Holy Qur’an was actually written by hand. We then some friends came to their house and saw that the Holy Quran was exactly like the Sharif. And the Koran written by Selim is being read.

Salim said, I have written the Holy Qur’an with my own pleasure. I will never sell this copy of the Quran. I didn’t handwrite the Holy Quran to go viral. But now I think others can be inspired by my work. And I want to spread the handwritten Qur’an in different places, so that even when I am gone, this work of mine will be preserved for people.

Ibrahim Sujan/RH/JIM