The bus dragged the two people along with the motorcycle

Two motorcyclists were killed after being hit by a passenger bus in Nesharabad, Pirojpur. The incident took place on Sunday (June 9) at 9:30 am near the Kunyari Bailey Bridge on the Barisal Regional Highway of the upazila.

The deceased are – Md. of Jagannathkathi village of the upazila. Son of Sahidul Islam. Sakil (26) and Md. of the same village. Saiful (37). Sakil and Saiful were going to Barisal on a motorcycle.

Local eyewitness said. Badsha Mia said, Sakil and Saiful were going to Barisal on a motorcycle. They saw the bus and rode slowly on their motorbikes on the Kuniary Bailey Bridge. At this time, the passenger bus named “Mishta” came speeding from the front and hit them. We locals signaled to the driver to stop, but he didn’t listen to them and took them away with the motorcycle. We rushed them to the hospital.

Doctor on duty at Nesharabad Health Complex. Shah Rukh Mallik said that the two died before being brought to the hospital.

Local resident Santu Sikdar said that most of the buses on Swarupkathi-Barisal line stop and pick up passengers while coming from Barisal. Later, in order to save time, he came close to Swarupakathi and drove at a reckless speed. Due to this, accidents often occur on this road.

Deputy Inspector of Nesharabad Police Station. Panir Khan said that two people were killed in the road accident. The bus was impounded and the driver arrested.