The buyers are verifying that cows are not sold in the market of Dhaka

On the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha, sacrificial animals have started in the capital’s haats. The arrival of buyers and visitors has also increased. Even if the cows are not sold, the buyers are scrutinizing them. Meanwhile, last minute preparations are still going on in some markets. On Sunday (June 9), this picture was seen on the ground while visiting Shahjahanpur and Meradia animal markets in the capital.

So far 25 cartloads of cows have arrived at the Shahjahanpur Maitri Sangh Cattle Market from different parts of the country. Borhan, a market trader from Jamalpur, told Jago News that we have already brought cows to the market. We have several hundred cows with us. We are keeping the good market place under our control, the rest of the cows will be kept here when they come.

Buyers are coming to the market but when asked whether it has been sold or not, cow dealer Amjad from Kushtia told Jago News that it has not been sold yet. Buyers are checking the market.

The buyers are verifying that cows are not sold in the market of Dhaka

Trader Matiar has brought cows from Meherpur to Meradia Bazar. He told Jago News that the price of cow will be higher this time. Beef feed prices have been high since the beginning of the year. Moreover, we have expenses, the rent of bringing cows is high. All in all, the bargain is a bit high to ask for.

When asked about bringing cows to the market in advance even if not sold, Kushtia dealer Shafiq told Jago News that he can go to the main market two days earlier. However, I have brought some cows in advance to keep the good market place where buyers will come more. Others will come from my area, we are keeping space for them.

The buyers are verifying that cows are not sold in the market of Dhaka

On the other hand, preparations for the market are now underway. The whole work is not finished, the work of Hasil house is not visible.

The buyers are verifying that cows are not sold in the market of Dhaka

Babla, who is engaged in the security of animal trucks in Shahjahanpur market, told Jago News that the work is going on day and night. In the main market, since the cattle are raised two days earlier, efforts are being made to complete the work before that.

There are 20 sacrificial animal markets in the north-south city area of ​​Dhaka. Among them, 11 with permanent huts in Sarulia in South City and 9 with permanent huts in Gabtali in North City. A patrol of the security forces was seen in the market.