Amiya Dash, Florida, USA

My chest is still heaving. I could not tell if I was walking fast or slow. It became quite difficult for me to determine the pace of walking in general. I very cautiously walked towards Lokman Bhai’s house.

To go to Lokman Bhai’s house, one has to get off the main road and then take a narrow dirt road. The road can be called a road. On both sides of the road there are huge weeds. Van-rickshaw or traffic over the road has resulted in three parallel and slightly narrower lanes. Where there is no grass due to traffic.

I started walking in the middle of these three narrow paths. After a few minutes of walking, I heard a bicycle bell from behind to give a side. I stood like a pole in one place, not understanding whether I should move to the left side or side to the right side. The bike swerved and passed me on my left side.

By now I understand, I have come this way before, many times. And I don’t walk normally. I should have walked the leftmost path. Cyclists coming from behind on the left side, sound the bell and change lanes from the left lane to the middle lane. That’s the rule.

It felt like my head wasn’t working perfectly. Don’t make any mistakes. No mistake should be made. Then there will be destruction. Ishrat Apu will be very disappointed. Think I’m useless. Absolutely useless. Besides, no one has ever given me such a responsibility in my life. If I make a mistake, I may never get any responsibility in life.

Then I walked very normally and appeared in front of Lokman brothers’ house. I don’t know how many times I have walked and played along this path. Today I see the house anew. It seems that the house is completely unfamiliar. Fenced with dry banana leaves, bamboo mats. For him not to be seen completely from the road. If you walk on the road, you cannot see what is happening on the other side of the fence.

  • Read the previous episode here

If you stand in front of the house, you can only see a little. I went and stood in front of the house. I thought, entering the house seems not right. I did not see anyone in the inner courtyard of the house. Only one dog seemed to be resting in the courtyard. The dog looked up at my movement and hesitation. I stood there in fear.

The dog barked while lying down and did not stand up. Lokman Bhai came out of the house and looked around. I don’t think he saw me. By then the dog stood up. I was also afraid to enter the house. Fear of this dog. I am very scared when I see dogs. If bitten by a dog, it causes a severe disease.

I heard that for two weeks one injection of a thick needle should be given around the navel of the stomach. What a terrible thing! Then I saw the dog looking once at me, and once at Lokman Bhai’s face. Lokman Bhai came towards the road.

‘What are you afraid of?’
I said in fear,
‘Yes, a little.’

Lokman Bhai reassured me and said,
‘Don’t be afraid. Tommy won’t tell you anything if I’m with you. His name is Tommy.’
So he patted Tommy’s head.