Those who do not follow the six points do not believe in freedom: who

General Secretary of Awami League and Minister of Road Transport and Bridges Obaidul Quader said that the six points are the turning point of the freedom struggle. Those who do not follow the six points do not believe in the independence of the country.

He said these things after paying tribute to the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dhanmondi No. 32 on the occasion of the historic Six Points Day on Friday (June 7) morning.

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  • Today is the historic 6 point day

Obaidul Quader said, along with Bangabandhu’s call for six-point implementation, several labor leaders were killed in the June 7 strike. Six points are the milestones of freedom movement. The beginning of the 11-point movement based on six points. East Bengal had no security in the Indo-Pak war in 1962. If there were no 6 points, would there have been a mass coup of 69′?

The bridge minister said, these six points have changed the course of our history. After 75′, 7th June, 7th March – banned these days. Those who ban are involved in the assassination of Bangabandhu. They do not support the independence of the country.