Today is World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day. Like other countries of the world, the day will be celebrated through various programs in Bangladesh. On the occasion of the day, detailed programs have been taken up by the initiative of government and private organizations. The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is ‘Recover land, prevent desertification.’

According to the decision taken by the United Nations International Conference on Human Environment in 1972, June 5 is being celebrated as ‘World Environment Day’ every year under the initiative of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

Forests and greenery are decreasing across the country

To maintain the environment of a country, at least 25 percent of forest land is required, but in Bangladesh, 15.58 percent of the total area has forest land.

According to the data of Global Forest Watch, a platform managed by the Washington-based research institute World Resources Institute, the area covered by trees in Bangladesh has decreased by about 67,620 acres from 2001 to 2023. During this period the amount of tree covered area decreased by 13 percent compared to the previous period. Among them, the biggest decrease was about 70 thousand acres in 2017.

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  • The maximum temperature is 42.6 degrees in Jessore, 40 degrees in Dhaka

Also, in the last 28 years, the green area of ​​the capital Dhaka has reduced to only 9 percent. However, according to urban planning criteria, an ideal city should have 25 percent green area according to Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP).

Every year, the demand is increasing

Last March-April people suffered due to severe heat wave. Due to the excess of water vapor in the air, the workers are suffering. This heat wave has started from April 1. It ends on April 26. That is, there was a heat wave for 26 consecutive days. Meteorologists say that since 1948, analysis has shown that there have been no more heat waves in April than in the last 76 years. Last year on April 16, 2023, a temperature of 40.6 degrees Celsius was recorded in Chuadanga. But this time on April 20 Jessore recorded a temperature of 42.6 degrees.

The intensity of the cyclone is increasing

According to the Meteorological Department, 24 severe cyclones have formed between 2008 and 2022. Sea surface temperature is increasing in parallel with land surface. Similarly, the temperature is increasing in the Bay of Bengal. As a result, the cyclone is intensifying.

The latest Cyclone Rimal remained in Bangladesh for about 50 hours after making landfall and becoming a low pressure. Heavy rains and gusty winds have been brought under its influence. However, meteorologists said they were surprised by its long stay. They say that the temperature is increasing year by year, along with it the temperature of the land is also increasing. Due to which the cyclone is intensifying.

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  • How World Environment Day started

Cyclone Rimal has affected 3.758 thousand people in coastal areas. 35 thousand houses were completely destroyed. Also, 18 deaths due to Rimal have been reported. Cyclone Rimal has caused damage equivalent to Tk 6,880 crore in 20 districts. As a result of this, 134 deer bodies have been recovered from various places in Sundarbans till Monday morning.

Meanwhile, on the occasion of World Environment Day in Bangladesh, various government and non-governmental organizations have initiated various programs. The President gave a message on the occasion of the day. Sahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

In a press conference on Tuesday (June 4), Environment Forest and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury said that on the occasion of Environment Day, Sherbangla Nagar’s environment fair will run from June 5 to June 11 and the tree fair will run from July 5 to 13. The fair will run daily from 9 am to 8 pm.

The Minister said, the Bangabandhu Award for Wild Conservation 2023 and 2024, Prime Minister’s National Award for Tree Plantation 2022 and 2023 and dividend check will be distributed among the beneficiaries in Social Forestry. World Environment Day will be celebrated in all districts and upazilas of the country and in 100 educational institutions of Dhaka city.