Thousands of Rohingyas attempt to enter Bangladesh and India

According to latest media reports, while at least 45,000 Rohingyas currently are currently waiting on the Naf River – bordering Bangladesh with the hope of getting opportunity of infiltrating inside the country, a significant portion of these people are also attempting to enter India – both through sea-route as well as with the help of human trafficking rackets. Most alarming fact here is – in addition to it, few thousand Rohingya jihadists directly connected to Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) are succeeding in slipping into Bangladesh and Indian territory thus posing serious threat to national security.

According to the British newspaper the Guardian, the majority of the people in Myanmar are unwilling to let Rohingyas report to their country, as they are mostly involved in terrorist activities. Giving details of Rohingya terror, Khin Than Yee, 52, a Rakhine Buddhist told the Guardian how she believed violence in 2017 began. “The Muslim community had been planning to attack the village for a long time. Two Muslims killed the father of [Rakhine Buddhist villager] Tun Aye, and after that, they started shouting and chanting from the top of their mosque and burned their own homes”.

In January 2020, a report published by Times of India said, Indian security agencies issued fresh warning to country’s armed forces and border guards that Pakistani spy agency Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) is involved in training Rohingyas. They are providing this training through Jamaat-ul Mujahideen of Bangladesh (JMB), a Bangladeshi terrorist organization affiliated to Al Qaeda.

The report went on to say that India’s intelligence agencies fear that these terrorists will be pushed into their country from Bangladesh after Pakistan has failed to do so through the Line of Control between Pakistan and India in Jammu and Kashmir where border protection has been strengthened.

UN rights chief Volker Turk and UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar Thomas Andrews has already urged Bangladesh to open the border again and take these Rohingyas. But authorities in Dhaka have clearly said, it is impossible to let any additional Rohingya enter the country as those existing over 1.20 million Rohingyas have become a serious burden to the nation as Bangladesh needs to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in meeting food and basic needs. of these people.

Earlier the World Bank and United Nations even made a ridiculous request to Bangladesh to let Rohingyas integrate in the country’s society and become citizens. Bangladesh has outrightly rejected such unrealistic and funny request.

According to the World Bank, the annual cost of hosting over 1.20 million Rohingyas is around US$1.21 billion. For a country like Bangladesh, bearing such expenses is a massive burden. Most importantly, none of the wealthy Arab and Muslim nations are coming forward with at least this US$1.21 billion for providing food, shelter and meeting basic needs of Rohingyas. Another major problem with this over 1.20 million Rohingyas is its massive growth on year-on-year basis, as the Muslim Rohingyas strictly embracing Sharia rule do not follow family planning methods and are inclined in having as many as possible children. Every year, at least 25-30 thousand children are born in the Rohingya camps.

This massive size of Rohingyas are not only a huge burden to Bangladesh’s economy, they are also causing serious damage to the country’s environment by destroying forests on a regular basis.

Experts say, Rohingya camps have caused significant deforestation in the region, as trees are cut down to make space for shelters and to provide firewood for cooking. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) said, around eight thousand acres of forest land have already been razed in Cox’s Bazar district since the arrival of Rohingyas in 2017, which has resulted in soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and increased vulnerability to natural disasters such as landslides and floods.

It may be mentioned here that in August 17, 2017, more than 1.2 million Rohingyas were allowed to enter Bangladesh territory amid alleged genocide in Rakhine State thus creating a serious headache to the country. This case of alleged genocide in Myanmar was the result of Rohingya Muslims and members of ARSA jihadists launching gruesome attacks on Myanmar’s border security forces and law enforcement agencies.

According to my own assessment as well as several counterterrorism experts, allowing such a massive number of Rohingyas enter Bangladesh was a huge blunder – while within this 1.20 million Rohingyas, there were arms and drug traffickers and members of ARSA, as well as jihadists connected to global terror outfits such as Al Qaeda and Islamic State (ISIS). During the past seven years, Rohingya camps in Bangladesh have turned into epicenter of numerous forms of criminal activities, while recently Bangladesh Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan told media, soon these camps may turn into hub of international terrorist groups.

One of the most alarming information which deserves immediate attention of security agencies in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries in the region is – highly-radicalized Rohingyas are succeeding in freely traveling to various countries by joining Tablighi Jamaat (TJ). It may be mentioned here that, majority of Rohingyas by nature are inclined towards criminal and terrorist acts, while all of them are notoriously radical Muslims with deep hatred towards non-Muslims, particularly Hindus.

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