20 thousand people are affected by brain tumor in the country every year

According to expert doctors, about 20 thousand people are affected by brain tumor in Bangladesh every year. Also, 15 people out of every 100,000 people in the developed world are affected by brain tumors. However, in the third world, 4 out of every 100,000 people are affected by this disease. They said that brain tumor can occur due to various reasons including radiation.

Martyr Dr. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) on the occasion of World Brain Tumor Day on Sunday (June 9) at noon. Speakers said these things at a seminar in Milton Hall. The seminar was organized by Bangladesh Society of Neurosurgeons.

Speakers in the seminar said that 3000 brain tumor surgeries are being done in Bangladesh every year. If neurosurgical centers are equipped with modern equipment and neurosurgery services are introduced in all district hospitals of the country, marginalized people of the country will get treatment for brain tumors and head injuries. Timely brain tumor surgery can cure brain tumors and reduce the risk of death and disability.

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  • BSMMU vice-chancellor/patients should be given importance so that they can get treatment easily

The speaker also said that the young generation of neurosurgeons will lead Bangladesh all over the world. At the same time, young neurosurgeons are skilled and capable of providing treatment based on modern technology. Bangladesh is moving ahead in keeping pace with the world in modern and technology-based brain tumor operations.

BSMMU Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Dean Mohammad Nurul Haque said that neuro surgery has improved a lot in Bangladesh. BSMMU is working on the development of Neuro Surgery.

In the president’s speech, Professor Dr. Mohammad Hossain said, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s personal initiative has established the National Institute of Neuroscience Hospital. Neurosurgery is running in 20 different government hospitals of the country. BSMMU, Dhaka Medical College, Chittagong Medical College, Combined Medical Hospital, Rangpur Medical College have introduced MS Neurosurgery courses to create skilled manpower in neurosurgery. It is hoped that in 2032 the service will be started in the neuro surgery department of all district hospitals. In this the marginalized population will get neuro surgery services.