Benazir’s 90 acres of land in Madaripur, mostly in wife’s name

Madaripur-Gopalganj border area is Madaripur Rajair Upazila. The former police chief Benazir Ahmed has taken over the crop land in this upazila as well. From January 2021 to August 2022, he bought about 90 acres of land in 113 deeds. The documents are mostly in the name of Zishan Mirza, wife of Benazir Ahmed. Recently, after the application of the ACC, the court ordered to attach all the property documents.

According to the land owner and local sources, Benazir Ahmed bought 90 acres of land in 113 deeds in two years in Madaripur’s Rajair. Almost all of this property is crop land. Benazir’s family bought the crop land of Satpar Dumuria Mouja, Natakhola and Barakhola areas of Kadambari Union of the upazila by force and intimidation. All the land was sold through one person named Taib Ali. If the land is not registered, many have been subjected to torture, there are many complaints.

Benazir's 90 acres of land in Madaripur, mostly in wife's name

The former police chief bought 24 acres of 83 percent crop land from the people of our clan, said Lhasanam Sen of Aruakandi village of Kadambari union of Rajair upazila. Gave three and a half lakh rupees per bigha. We did not want to give land. About two years ago, Benazir Ahmed and his family forcibly registered this land by showing fear.

Benazir's 90 acres of land in Madaripur, mostly in wife's name

Saraswati Roy, an old lady of Satpar Dumuria village, said, ‘We used to get food by growing crops on this land. But Benazir Ahmed wrote down that land by scaring us.’

Benazir's 90 acres of land in Madaripur, mostly in wife's name

A leader of Sanatan religion, who did not wish to be named, said, ‘As far as I know, the former police chief Benazir Ahmed has bought land from the helpless people of Rajair by fear. Most of the victims belong to Sanatan religion. The criminal should be investigated and prosecuted.’

Benazir's 90 acres of land in Madaripur, mostly in wife's name

ABM Bajlur Rahman Khan, executive director of Madaripur’s development organization Deshgram, said, ‘Benazir’s house is in Gopalganj. Yet he bought many properties in Madaripur’s Rajair Upazila. He bought them by scaring the helpless people. If his judgment is correct, others will not have the courage to do these things.’

In this regard, Madaripur court lawyer Golam Kibria said that taking someone’s property by force is a criminal offence. The victims of this crime can file a case if they want.

Ayesha Siddiqa Akashi/SR/JIM