Bringing money to the bank is an opportunity to whiten black money: Prime Minister

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina mentioned that black money has been given an opportunity to be white by bringing money to the bank. At the same time, he expressed satisfaction to be able to give the budget in the midst of crisis.

He said this at the historic 6-point day discussion meeting organized by Awami League at Tejgaon in the capital on Friday (June 7) afternoon.

The Prime Minister said that the shock of global inflation is still there. Developed countries are struggling. What kind of people are we? Still we could pay the budget. Many people calculate that the percentage is increasing before, why is it increasing less now? We now want to proceed very conservatively in a limited way. So that the people of our country do not suffer. I want to meet people’s needs, I have budgeted keeping this in mind.

He also said that inflation is high now. But surprisingly, our production has increased, people’s financial well-being has increased, food consumption has also increased. Now you don’t have to go without food day after day. People are getting food for two days. Some places get more. There is increased food intake, increased demand. We are also increasing production. Still, inflation is hurting people with limited incomes. So I gave them family cards. I can provide what is needed, including rice-dal-oil at a fair price. I am giving free food to those who are once in poverty. About 150 are also providing financial assistance through social security.

The biggest challenge in the budget is keeping the food prices fixed

The head of government said that the budget was given in a very planned way. Still, no one will like it. It is there. Many talk about the budget deficit. We keep the budget deficit within 5 percent. This time too it has been kept within 4.6 percent. Many countries in the world, even developed countries, have budget deficits higher than this. The biggest challenge is keeping food prices in check. If production is increased and supply is maintained, there will never be a shortage of food. If you are proactive, focus on production. Then we can stand on our own feet.

We don’t need the Telmara Clan

Regarding the critics, Sheikh Hasina said, there are groups who do not like something in our country, they do not like it. There is no need to listen. Because I see it for ages. It’s not new. When an unusual government comes. Then they are very happy. They have importance. If there is no Awami League, nothing happens to them, they are not evaluated. How to evaluate? Raise the scales? I have seen the assessment, how they give oil during the caretaker period. We don’t need the Telmara clan. People are our strength. People vote for us, we work for people, they benefit. That is our goal. We don’t take every step that way, so that people don’t suffer.

Black money is an opportunity for white people to bring money to the bank

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said about the opportunity to turn black money into white, now the millionaire is the one who owns a piece of land. But they don’t live as government. Sell ​​at a higher price. Some money is surplus. They hide this money. Don’t hide this money and give it a little tax. Let’s get on the way. Then you have to pay taxes. I jokingly say, if you want to catch fish, you have to pay aadhaar (food). Fish will not come without Aadhaar. This is one such system. It was there before. Every government does. So did the caretaker government. We also gave a chance. To bring the money to the bank.

Showing the picture of corona epidemic, he said, at that time, it does not matter how much reserve there is, people have to be fed. Aiming at that, I spent money like water. I gave vaccines free of charge to save people. I confirmed the treatment. In this way I spent money like water.

The Prime Minister said that today’s Bangladesh is moving forward. People’s financial well-being has come to the village. We have increased the growth to 8 percent. When Awami League came to the government, people’s fate changed. I have proved it.

There are many problems in our country

Referring to the elections of 70, the Prime Minister said, “There are many people in our country, they understand a lot of things.” When the election came, there were many conditions. They are saying, kick the ballot box, make Bangladesh independent. Father was saying, kicking the ballot box will not do. Vote will be independent. i will choose It will be decided who will lead the people of Bengal through the election. So it happened.