Foreign travel of bank officials and employees is stopped

Bangladesh Bank has issued a ban on the foreign travel of the officers and employees financed by the bank. However, they can go outside the country for special needs with their own financing.

On Tuesday (June 11), the Banking Regulations and Policy Department of Bangladash Bank issued an instruction in this regard.

According to the instructions of the central bank, the foreign travel of the bank officers and employees will be stopped for participating in training or seminars or study tours financed by bank companies. However, according to the policies related to travel outside Bangladesh, officers and employees can travel abroad with the approval of the proper authorities of their respective banks.

The reasons for which they can go abroad are also informed in the instructions. According to the Central Bank’s directives ‘Self-financed personal purposes for special needs; Able to go abroad for emergency medical treatment subject to the performance of Holy Hajj and the recommendation of a specialist doctor, travel of a foreign national working in a bank to his own country; Visiting the head office of the officers working in the Bangladesh branch of the foreign bank; Will play an important role in official work including participation in business meetings with foreign partner banks and can participate in training-workshop-study tours conducted by the foreign host organization.

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  • Bangladesh Bank has canceled the foreign travel of employees

The instructions applicable to the foreign travel of the managing director or chief executive officer of the bank shall remain unchanged. The Central Bank issued this directive under the powers provided in Section 45 of the Bank-Company Act, 1991.

Earlier in 2022, to reduce the pressure on the reserves and solve the dollar crisis, the foreign travel of all the officers and employees of Bangladesh Bank was cancelled. All orders issued for foreign travel of officers and employees financed by the Central Bank were also cancelled. Besides, the company decided to stop traveling abroad with the central bank’s own funding. The ban was later relaxed in some cases.