International wrestling in Dhaka after 45 years

International wrestling event is going to sit in Dhaka after almost 45 years. Bangladesh Amateur Wrestling Federation has organized the Bangabandhu Cup International Tri-Country Wrestling Competition from July 29 to 31.

21 boys and 21 women wrestlers from Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka will participate in this competition. General Secretary of Bangladesh Amateur Wrestling Federation Tabiur Rahman said, ‘We are organizing this tournament as part of preparation for SA Games.’

The General Secretary of the Federation said, ‘International wrestling was held at Bangabandhu National Stadium in 1980. Pakistan’s Nasir Bhulu, Dabir Rafique, England’s Turner, China’s Mighty Chang have played there. Apart from this, wrestlers from Scotland and Hungary also participated. But that was free-style wrestling. Now we play amateur wrestling. There was a huge response around the tournament at that time.

This year’s competition will be in 10 categories. However, a country can participate in maximum 7 categories of boys and girls. 7 boys and 7 girls total 14 teams from each country.

Countries will bear the cost of coming and going to Dhaka. Bangladesh Amateur Wrestling Federation will provide accommodation and food for the teams and other local facilities. A handball stadium and a roller skating complex have been earmarked as possible venues for the tournament.

Under coach Ashraf Ali, the preparation of the Bangladesh team will begin on June 25. 30 players have been called initially. From here the final team will be created.