Rajbari Sarwar successful in experimental grape cultivation

Sarwar Hossain Babu is preparing for this first commercial grape cultivation in Rajbari. He took the initiative of commercial farming as he was successful in growing grapes on about 2 percent of the land experimentally in his yard. In addition to the 11 varieties in his collection, he is preparing 70 percent of the land for gardening by collecting 12 more varieties from India.

It is known that many people are interested in grape cultivation as it is profitable with less effort and less cost. There is no additional cost in growing grapes. A tree can yield 40-50 years with proper care along with application of organic fertilizers. Apart from this, a tree bears fruit 3 times a year. Each plant yields 1.5 to 2 maunds. Apart from the experimental cultivation of fruit growers in Sarwar, they have started cutting, grafting and selling grape seedlings in 40 districts of the country.

According to the sources of District Agriculture Extension Directorate, there is no commercial cultivation of grapes till now except in the fruit farming lake in Bagama of Rajbari Sadar Upazila.

Rajbari Sarwar successful in experimental grape cultivation

Neighbor Azizur Rahman Biswas, Alimuzzaman Molla, Kazi Jahangir who came to see the garden said, ‘I have never seen grapes hanging on the tree like this. Grapes are very sweet. Each bush has 200 to 600 grams of grapes. If others like Sarwar cultivated such grapes, the price would not have been so high. I used to think that grape cultivation is very difficult and expensive. But now I see that both the trouble and the cost are less. Even grape growing is profitable. We will grow grapes on a small scale. For which I am looking for proper land and fodder.

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Grape grower Sarwar Hossain Babu said, ‘I am a mixed fruit grower. From the beginning, my passion for viticulture arose. At that time it was thought that grapes are not sweet in our country. Still last year experimentally collected some varieties from Russia and Ukraine and planted them in the yard. I am impressed by the huge yield this year compared to last year. Many people come to see grapes every day. He also praised. That is why I have prepared about 70 percent of the land from experimental to commercial cultivation. I have sold grape seedlings in about 40 districts through courier.

Rajbari Sarwar successful in experimental grape cultivation

He said, ‘Government training and training of farmers will meet people’s demand for nutrition and high value fruits. There is no need to apply any poison or pesticides in the cultivation of this grape. Only organic fertilizers and water are needed in the soil. Grapes can be cultivated with very little cost and care. A tree bears fruit for about 50 years after planting. One and a half to 2 maunds or more are produced per plant per season. A tree holds grapes 3 times a year.’

Rajbari Sadar Upazila Agricultural Officer. Johnny Khan said, ‘Saroar Hossain first cultivated grapes experimentally this year. The grapes produced by him are good in taste and quality. From this it is assumed that the soil and environment of Rajbari is suitable for grape cultivation. Assistant Agricultural Officers at the field level advise the farmers full-time. Seeing the cultivation and yield of this grape, many farmers in the vicinity are encouraged. Hope they will cultivate grapes in the future.’