Uncle Ilyas cut nephew Sourav into pieces for marrying his daughter

The police have solved the mystery of the brutal murder of Omar Farooq Sourav (24), a university student in Mymensingh. His uncle Elias Ali took his brother-in-law and killed him for marrying his daughter. Later, the body was cut into pieces and thrown from the bridge into the river Sutia. Police have arrested three people including the main accused uncle in this incident.

The arrested are Iliach Ali (55), son of deceased Hasem Ali of Ishwarganj upazila of Ishwarganj upazila of the deceased’s uncle, Ahaduzzaman Farooq (30), son of his brother-in-law deceased Aktaruzzaman, and Abdul Hannan, son of deceased Mir Hossain of Nandail upazila of the district, the driver of the vehicle carrying the body.

This information was informed in the press release sent from the office of the District Intelligence Branch (DB) on Tuesday (June 4) around 2:30 pm.

Earlier on Monday (June 3), DB and Mymensingh Kotwali police station conducted a joint operation and arrested three accused from Dhobaura police station of the district.

According to the police, on Sunday (June 2) around 8:30 am, the locals found bloody market bags and luggage floating in the river on the bank of Sutia river under the Mantala bridge in Mymensingh Sadar and Muktagachha border area. Later they informed the police. The police went to the spot and recovered the head of an unidentified youth from the market bag and four pieces of the body from the luggage and sent it to the Mymensingh Medical College Hospital morgue for post-mortem. Later, when the news of the recovery of the body spread in various media and Facebook, his relatives confirmed the identity of the deceased that afternoon.

Yusuf Ali, the father of Omar Farooq Sourav, who was killed that night, filed a case at Kotwali Model Police Station as the plaintiff. After the case, the police arrested three people involved in the incident.

Read more:

  • Head in the market bag, four pieces of body found in the luggage
  • The dismembered body recovered in Mymensingh belongs to university student Sourav
  • Uncle threatened to kill Saurabh for marrying his cousin

Regarding the initial interrogation of the accused, District DB Officer-in-Charge (OC) Farooq Hossain said that the main accused Ilyas and the deceased Omar Farooq Sourav are uncle-nephews. Sourav is the son of Yusuf Ali from the same area. He secretly married his uncle Ilyas Ali’s daughter Eva Akhter on May 12. However, three years earlier, Eva Akhtar was married elsewhere. Eva’s parents were furious when they found out about their marriage. Ilyas Ali threatened to kill Sourav in pieces on his mobile phone. Later on May 16, Eva Akhtar was sent to Canada by her parents. A bitter dispute arose between the two brothers over the clandestine marriage of their children.

In this situation, Sourav came to Mymensingh on Saturday (June 1) afternoon. He called his cousin Mridul (17, son of accused Ilyas) who asked him to come to his house in Gohailkandi (adjacent to primary school) in the city. When Sourav went home, uncle Ilyas Ali took him to a room on the ground floor of the house and tied him hand and foot. Later, Ilyas Ali called his brother-in-law Ahaduzzaman Farooq and brought him to his home as planned. At one point, the two killed Sourav by stabbing him in the head and hiding the body in the toilet.

To hide the body, they came to Ganginarpar in the city and bought luggage, polythene and hand gloves and took it home. Later, the head and thighs were cut off with a sharp weapon, packed in polythene and kept in the luggage. They wrapped the head in transparent polythene and stuffed it in a shopping bag and put it in Rajar’s market bag. Later, around 12:30 p.m., he hired a private car belonging to a person named Abdul Hannan. Inside the back trunk of that car, the bodies were thrown into the Sutia river from Mantala bridge.

The deceased Omar Farooq is the son of Yusuf Ali of Tarati village of Ishwarganj upazila of Sourav district. He lived with his family in Motijheel Postal Colony area of ​​the capital. Saurabh studied BBA at Presidency University, Dhaka.

Manjurul Islam/SR/MS