United States is interested in expanding trade with Bangladeshis

Ahmadul Kabir

Long Island Board of Realtors, the 4th largest trade organization in the United States with 33,000 registered members, has expressed deep interest in expanding trade and partnership with Bangladeshi businessmen and industrialists in the multifaceted construction sector.

In a meeting with the Center for NRB last Friday, Doreen Spagnuolo, the organization’s chief executive officer, and Labor leaders expressed this interest.

In this meeting at the head office of the organization in Long Island, New York, the delegation of Center for NRB was chairperson MS Sekil Chowdhury, co-founder of Optimist, Realtor Md. Samim Ahmed, community leader Lutfur Rahman Chowdhury, banker Wasef Chowdhury.

The Libor delegation included CEO Doreen Spagnuolo, Global Business Committee Vice-Chair Daniela Diaz, Evan Smith, Global Business Liaison, John S. Molnar, Global Business Committee member, Past President Susan Helsinger, Secretary-Treasurer Sean Khan, Gina Marie Bettenhauser, former President, Gisela Craze Global Business Committee Member and Malgorzata Perlewicz, Global Business Committee Member.

In the meeting, the Labor leaders mentioned the rapidly growing trade and social contribution of the Bangladeshi American businessmen and community. The NRB leaders mentioned the multifaceted contribution of Bangladeshis to the world and the participation of Bangladeshis in various social fields including local politics.

He emphasized on increasing bilateral trade and social communication with America. In the meeting, both organizations exchanged memorandum of understanding. LIBER leaders expressed interest in visiting Bangladesh and invited Bangladeshi businessmen to participate in their next international conference and urged the Center for NRB to take necessary initiatives in this regard.