Category: Economy

Crypto ATMs in the US become a favorite tool for scammers

In recent years, crypto ATMs have become increasingly common across the United States, offering a convenient way to convert cash into cryptocurrency. These machines, often found in locations like gas stations, convenience stores, and laundromats, have been touted as a user-friendly entry point into the world of digital currencies. However, despite their growing popularity, crypto […]

Ruet students are protesting to demand quota reforms

The students of Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) held a protest march and rally demanding reform of quota in government jobs. On Monday (July 8) at 11 o’clock, they were seen gathering in front of the university’s central library with various placards in their hands. Later, they marched through Talaimari area of ​​the […]

The chess board was seized yesterday from Zobair, a college student

Zobair Hasan Rafit (18), a class 11 student of science department of Dhaka Commerce College in Mirpur of the capital, had a reputation as a good student. Jobair was the favorite of the teachers. That is why he was appointed as the class captain. But it is too late for him to fulfill this duty. […]

11 people lost their lives in landslides in Indonesia, 19 are missing

At least 11 people have been killed in landslides triggered by heavy rains in Indonesia. Besides, 19 more people are still missing. A landslide occurred near an illegal mine on the island of Sulawesi, a local official said on Monday. This information was given in a report of AFP. The mineral-rich Southeast Asian country has […]

Blockade of Barisal-Kuakata highway

The students of Barisal University (BOBI) blocked the Barisal-Kuakata highway for the sixth day demanding cancellation of quota in government jobs. They protested by blocking the highway adjacent to Bobby Gate from 12:30 PM on Monday (July 8). Earlier, after the protest meeting on the ground floor of Bobby, the students went around the campus […]

Home Remedies to Remove Yellow Stains on Teeth

Regular dental care is essential to maintain good dental health. Brushing your teeth twice a day is not enough to keep your teeth healthy. Whether you are brushing your teeth on time, flossing after meals or cleaning your tongue regularly is essential to maintaining oral and dental health. Whenever any of these are missed, various […]

Ear, Nose and Throat doctor performed Caesarean section, critical patient

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor Shaheen Reza. But she performed a cesarean delivery. The condition of the patient named Dolly Khatun (30) is now critical. The relatives complained that during the operation, the mother’s food and urethra were cut. The incident took place at Desh Clinic in Jessore city. Then on Sunday afternoon, the […]

Even today, DU teachers are on a complete strike, closed classes-exams

The Dhaka University (DU) Teachers’ Association is holding a complete strike and sit-in program for the sixth day demanding the cancellation of the universal pension guarantee scheme. On Monday (July 8) at 12 noon, the teachers held a sit-in program in front of the main gate of the Kala Bhavan of the university. Earlier, DU […]

A motorcycle rider was killed by a truck in Chittagong

A motorcycle rider named Ariful Islam (18) was killed after being hit by a truck in Chandnaish of Chittagong. The accident took place at the Dewanhat junction of the Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar highway at around 8 am on Monday (July 8). When he was taken to Chittagong Medical College (CHMEC) hospital with serious injuries, the doctor […]

Rabi students blocked the railway

Students of Rajshahi University (Rabi) are protesting by blocking the railway line demanding reform of quota system in government jobs. On Monday (July 8) at around 12 noon, they started the movement by standing on the railway track under the flyover adjacent to the university’s Charukala. At this time, ‘The motto of the liberation war, […]