Kuakata beach cleanliness drive-distribution of leaflets

Cleanliness drive and leaflets distributed at Kuakata beach in Patuakhali. An area of ​​two kilometers from zero point of the beach was cleared on Tuesday (June 11) afternoon.

CDP Kalapara Director Palash Roni Mondal, DRR Project Admin Manager Suman Dyes, CDP Health Officer Pankaj Kumar Biswas, Admin Officer Shipan Chandra Sarkar, Program Officer Farhan Tanveer Rafit and others were present in the campaign.

Kuakata beach cleanliness drive-distribution of leaflets

According to the organizers, oceans are known as the lungs of the earth. These oceans are the biggest reservoir of oxygen for animals. This organization is organized in the environment week to highlight its necessity and usefulness in front of the world. All the tourists coming here are requested to throw garbage in the designated place.

Asaduzzaman Miraj/RH/MS